2021.05.20 Other Please be careful about counterfeit and copy products of “PRISMATE Mask Air Fan PR-F064" Thank you for your continued patronage of our products. We have confirmed that counterfeit and copy products that are mistaken as "PRISMATE Mask Air Fan PR-F064", and some of which do not have a package or instruction manual, are on the market. Since the specifications are different from the official products of our brand and the quality, safety, functions, etc. are also different. It may lead to failure or accident. Therefore, please be careful not to accidentally purchase a counterfeit or copy product of "PRISMATE Mask Air Fan PR-F064". Text, illustrations, logos, photographs, videos, and other content posted on all websites operated by Life On Products, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") are the copyrighted property of the Company and its related third parties. Diverting or misappropriating the contents of this site without our permission is strictly prohibited, except for personal use or other cases permitted by copyright law.