What are SDGs?
SDGs is the abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals," which were adopted at the United Nation's summit in September, 2015, and is the international goal, consisting of 17 global goals and 169 targets, aiming to achieve a sustainable world for 15 years from 2016 to 2030. Being applicable to developed and developing countries alike, they pledge that no one will be left behind by having people all over the world address the issues. Therefore, our company will also seek to improve our company value as we aim to achieve a sustainable world.
Main efforts of Life on Products, aiming to achieve SDGs
Peace and Equality
1.No Poverty
In order to end poverty in every environment, we implement efforts to conduct sustainable long-term transactions with producers of small to medium sizes, provide prices that support people's lives according to fair trade, and guarantee certain amounts of advanced payment depending on need.
3.Good Health and Well-Being
We conduct periodic health check-ups for all employees all at company's expense. Also, we encourage acquiring annual paid holidays, have them spend fulfilling holidays, and provide support so that they can spend their days in good health, both physically and mentally.
4.Quality Education
Along with conducting business skill trainings in which entry-level employees can acquire a wide range of skills from basic skills to practical skills such as business mind, business manner, the way to proceed with business, and PC skills, we implement efforts to improve the code of behavior through the credo (beliefs or guidelines for action which employees keep in mind).
5.Gender Equality
As we are dedicated to women's participation and advancement, actively increasing the ratio of women in managerial positions and hiring women as leaders, we implement efforts to create an environment where women can work with a sense of security. Also, in order to be more productive, we implement hiring and development of various human resources regardless of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, class, or religion and incorporate a diverse point of view into corporate activities.
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
As we address work-style reform, we promote a flexible work-style by adopting the short working hour system and telework as well as aim to create a work environment where anyone can participate actively and exercise their abilities sufficiently, while taking into consideration the employees' situations such as raising children and having family members who are dependent on care. Also, in an effort to considerably reduce the rate of young people who are not working, in school or in occupational training by 2030, we implement efforts to actively develop human resources by addressing job creation and making an effort to actively hire new graduates.
10.Reduced Inequalities
We provide assistance for ability improvement regardless of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, class, or religion as well as respect human rights and individuality of all employees and attempt to maintain a work environment where various employees can work safely with a sense of security.
Energy Efficiency
7.Affordable and Clean Energy
As we aim for product development with energy saving always in mind, we actively implement efforts to develop rechargeable models in order to aim to considerably expand the rate of recyclable energy in the world energy mix by 2030. Also, we attempt to reduce power consumption by improving energy saving efficiency with LED lighting in the office and saving power by turning off computer displays when going home or leaving the desk.
Securement of Sustainability in Environment
9.Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
As we address issues according to domestic capability in cooperation with factories overseas including developing countries, we implement efforts to develop products utilizing materials which are friendly to the environment.
11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
We actively separate waste and contribute to resource recycling to eliminate the impact given to the environment.
12.Responsible Consumption and Production
Being a member of the JBRC (Japan Portable Rechargeable Battery Recycling Center), which promotes the recycling of compact rechargeable batteries, as well as by preventing waste generation and reducing, recycling and reusing waste, we aim to considerably reduce waste generation by 2030, and we implement efforts to promote adoption of eco materials, reduce plastics resources, and curb waste generation in the production process.
15.Climate Action
We implement efforts with consideration to the environment by simplifying product packages and wrappings.