2023.03.08 Product AC adapter USB connection type PR-EA012 is released on 2023/03/22. ~ It will be on sale from 2023/3/22,and the official store is accepting advance reservations. ~ AC adapter that can be used for products that charge by connecting to a USB cord. PRISMATE AC adapter USB connection type PR-EA012 878yen(tax included)【Product’s】https://lifeonproducts.co.jp/en/product/pr-ea012/ 【Product Features】 1)To chargeYou connect it with your USB cord and can use it for the charge of various charge-type products. ※Before you use it, please check the specifications of each product. Colorfulness and excitement into your hands.Day-to-day life item that makes your every day colorful and changes it to something a little special.It is like a colorful fun present that slipped out of the rainbow. 【Stores】 Life on Products official store https://lifeonproducts-online.com/Variety stores or eletronic and home appliances stores in Japan Online stores