2019.09.13 Product Onlili Onlili ONL-HF016 Ceramic Eco-Friendly Humidifier is released on 2019/9/21. Eco-friendly humidifier On Live, On Life Modern life with vintage styled ceramics. Bring some new into your life. HANWA LTD. which create surprise cordially and products and life is releasedONL-HF016 Onlili Ceramic Eco-Friendly Humidifier 2019/09/02 on sale The ceramic humidifier which looks like plants are hand made. It will be humidified by pouring water. It doesn't need electricity, so it's very eco-friendly. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ■Tank capacity[Approx.] :500ml■Weight[Approx.] :WH:510g、BK:595g■Recommended space[Approx.] :Personal■Remarks :*Plate isn't included in the weight and size.■*precautions :Please adjust water amount in the pot or put bigger plate under the existing plate,、if water overflows with conditions. Please throw away water once a day for prevention of 、water leak and mildew.、■Set contents : Tank, Cover, Plate■Material :Ceramic, Cotton yarn □This is released with 2,750 yen(without tax) at retail store and by internet on 2019/09/02 Inquiry of this product from news media HANWA LTD..Product MD UnitMiki HirotaniTEL +81 6 6538 2800 / FAX +81 6 6538 2877 E-MAIL : press@b-grow.com※For press only ◎WEBhttps://lifeonproducts.co.jp/en/product/ONL-HF016/ ◎Product imageshttps://lifeonproducts.co.jp/data/ziph/onlili/onl-hf016.zip