2019.09.13 Product Onlili Onlili ONL-HF013 Ceramic Eco-Friendly Humidifier is released on 2019/9/21. Eco-friendly humidifier for decorating a room On Live, On Life Modern life with vintage styled ceramics. Bring some new into your life. HANWA LTD. which create surprise cordially and products and life is releasedONL-HF013 Onlili Ceramic Eco-Friendly Humidifier 2019/09/21 on sale The ceramic cup with soft toned cute patterns turns to be a humidifier that humidify a room gradually once you pour water in the cup. It doesn't use electricity so it's good for environment and it also doesn't need complicated daily care. Please choose your favorite one from 3 colors. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ■Tank capacity[Approx.] :200ml■Recommended space[Approx.] :Personal■Set contents : Tank, Cover, Plate■Material :Ceramic □This is released with 1,350 yen(without tax) at retail store and by internet on 2019/09/21 Inquiry of this product from news media HANWA LTD..Product MD UnitRie ShibataTEL +81 6 6538 2800 / FAX +81 6 6538 2877 E-MAIL : press@b-grow.com※For press only ◎WEBhttps://lifeonproducts.co.jp/en/product/ONL-HF013/ ◎Product imageshttps://lifeonproducts.co.jp/data/ziph/onlili/onl-hf013.zip