About the damage of the imitation our brand products and trademarks in mainly Chinese market.
Thank you for your continued patronage of our products.
Registered trademarks such as PRISMATE, mercyu, Sifflus, WACHSEN, plusmore, onlili, and mottole posted on this site have been registered by Life on Products, Inc. since 2003 in Japan and some countries. It is an official brand sold at.
Recently, we have confirmed that counterfeit products of our brand products are distributed in some markets mainly in China. These counterfeit products have different specifications from our branded genuine products, and their functions and safety are also different, which may lead to breakdowns and accidents. Therefore, please be careful not to accidentally purchase a counterfeit product.
Some of our brands are sold through distributors in each country. Please contact the seller when purchasing.
In China, the following infringement of our brand trademark by individuals and companies has been confirmed. These corporations and individuals do not have any agency contracts or capital tie-ups with us, and have nothing to do with Life on Products, Inc. We hope that about 20 years after China joined the WTO, international moral standards and rules will be improved in each country.
Examples of damage of our brand trademarks.

本サイトに掲載されている PRISMATE、mercyu、Sifflus、WACHSEN、plusmore、onlili、mottole等の登録商標は、ライフオンプロダクツ株式会社(Life on Products, Inc.) により2003年以降、日本及び一部の国々で販売されている公式ブランドです。
尚、中国では下記のような個人及び企業による弊社ブランドの商標侵害が確認されております。それらの法人・個人は弊社と代理店契約、資本提携などは行っておらず、ライフオンプロダクツ株式会社(Life on Products, Inc.) とは一切関係ありません。弊社といたしましては、中国のWTOへの加盟から約20年を経て、国際的な道徳的基準及びルールが各国々にて向上されることを願います。